Therapy in Roseville & Across CA

Rediscover purpose, connection, & fulfillment in your life.

Individual and couples counseling for people who are ready to make a change in their lives and relationships.

Life doesn’t feel the way you wish it did.

Your relationships: strained. Your work: unfulfilling. Your to-do list: neverending. And while you might remember a time when you were driven by a purpose and a passion in life, those days feel long gone.

It’s like, in the midst of the day-to-day, you’ve lost yourself.

  • EMDR

    Process painful past experiences, break through fear & self-doubt, and overcome anxiety using an evidence-based method designed to tap into your body’s own ability to heal itself.

  • Trauma

    No longer feel defined by your past and regain the joy, happiness, and freedom you deserve. Understand the impacts of past experiences and release the emotions associated with pain & trauma.

  • Couples

    Decrease conflict and rediscover the connection that originally brought you and your partner together. Learn how to balance the demands of life while still prioritizing your relationship.

I’m Mike. I’m here to help you regain your sense of focus in life.

You’ve decided to seek out therapy because you know you don’t want to stay where you are—because you know you can’t keep doing what you’re doing now. In our work together, you’ll learn how to tune into your own intuition and create a new vision for yourself, your life, and your relationships.

I work with individuals and couples in Roseville and across California who want to understand what’s led to where they are today so that they can feel empowered to face new challenges in healthy, productive ways.

Things I can help with:

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Loss of identity

  • Grief & loss

  • Depression

  • Communication

  • Job & career stress

  • Divorce

  • Self-esteem

You can’t go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.

In-person and online sessions available.

I offer in-person appointments for clients in the Roseville and Rocklin areas as well as online sessions for anyone in the state of California. Let’s work together in the best way for you.

How it works

Deciding to go to therapy is a big step. Let me make it as easy as possible.

Click the button below to schedule a private, complimentary consultation with me. I’ll answer any questions you have and you can decide if I’m the right therapist for you. If I am, great! We’ll schedule our first appointment. If not, I’ll happily refer you to a different therapist who may be better suited to your needs.