in Roseville & Across CA

Trauma Therapy

For adults who are ready to move beyond their past and create a happy, productive, and fulfilling future.

Painful experiences have long-lasting impacts on our lives.

You may find it difficult it to relax, like you’re never entirely safe to let your guard down. It might be hard to trust others, so you struggle in your relationships and feel like you need to do everything yourself. Often, this leads to feeling like something is wrong with you…when, in fact, you’re just responding to experiences from your past in the only way you know how.

Maybe you’re:

  • Isolating yourself and having difficulty connecting with others

  • Experiencing episodes of unexplained irritability, sadness, or fearfulness

  • Blaming yourself for negative events (and struggling to acknowledge positive ones)

  • Feeling hyperviligant and unable to relax

  • Noticing past experiences influencing your day-to-day life

What is trauma?

Trauma is the response from living through a distressing event. What qualifies as “distressing” varies greatly—while it may sometimes be a significant one-time event, it can also be a series of smaller experiences over time. It might be tempting to discount your experience because it doesn’t seem “bad enough,” but trauma takes many forms.

    • Witnessing domestic abuse or violence

    • Sexual assault

    • Verbal abuse

    • Emotional neglect

    • Inattentive or emotionally unavailable caregivers

    • Death of a loved one

    • Spiritual or religious abuse

    • Natural disasters

    • Car accidents

How i can help

Your past does not have to define your future. Trauma therapy can help you rediscover your joy, happiness, and freedom.

Trauma therapy is about helping you bring your experiences out into the light: developing an awareness and understanding of what’s happened and how it’s impacting you today. This process happens gradually, and you’ll set the pace.

Then, you can begin separating your life and identity from those experiences, placing responsibility where it belongs and regaining ownership over your future direction.


How your current behaviors have protected you from pain in the past


Feelings of rage, sadness, fear, or rejection you haven’t been able to share


Emotions associated with your trauma, including guilt or self-blame


Your resilience, voice, purpose, and passion in life

Your life and future are in your hands.


Frequently asked questions about trauma therapy

  • Trauma impacts each person differently. Some people experience feelings of exhaustion, confusion, or depression, while others notice anxiety, hypervigilance, or physical arousal. Often, trauma also influences our relationships. You might notice difficulty trusting others, connecting with loved ones, or repeating painful patterns in your relationships.

  • In order to treat trauma, it’s important to first develop an awareness of how the experiences have affected and continue to affect your day-to-day life. Then, you can work on releasing the emotions associated with the trauma and begin building new coping skills and strategies.

    Our responses to trauma are ultimately stored in our bodies. Through EMDR, you can reintegrate painful memories and decrease the distress associated with them. Click here to learn more about EMDR.

  • It is. I know it may feel difficult right now, but you have an innate resilience and strength that is capable of healing. If we can release the memories or experiences that are trapped, we can take the charge off of them and place it back where it belongs: on your sense of purpose and passion in life.

Take the next step

Ready to get started?

Click the button below to schedule a private, complimentary consultation with me. I’ll answer any questions you have and you can decide if we’re the right fit to work together.